Coffee shop roasters ( Model TKMS Coffee roasters )

Shop roaster i.e. (Cafemino) is a Mini Professional coffee roaster, bringing all the advantages and superiorities of Toper industrial roasters onto the table top. It is ideal for laboratories and coffee shops

   Capacities: Several models ranging from 1 kg per batch to 20 kg per batch.

    Standard  features

  • Cafemino has a special mixer and cooling tray.
  • Roasting time is 12 to 18 minutes depending on load and darkness of roast.
  • There is a sampling light which enables you to check and see the real color of the coffee during roasting.
  • There is a sight glass so you can clearly see the coffee roast progress
  • There is a sampling scoop, so you can remove beans to compare the colors with your standards.

Please contact our customer support for purchase or call us directly:

+254 722 925 611