Shade nets

Providing any % of shade, our shade nets are used in ornamental horticulture, coffee seedling production, and vegetable production in specific conditions.

Our shade nets are of  high-quality knitted shade cloth used in a broad variety of coffee plants to exclude birds, to provide uniform shadow, and to control air movement in greenhouses and nurseries. It has UV-resistant additives giving the net durability and longevity. The net is recyclable and resistant to agrochemicals. 

Standard features

  • It moderates day/night temperatures, enabling microclimate control in greenhouses and nurseries. 
  • It provides uniform shadow, controls air movement, and provides optimum diffused light transmission to the coffee plants. 
  • It protects against frost radiation and saves energy in heated structures due to its high reflectivity.
  • The net is light filtering that controls coffee growth characteristics by light spectrum management.
  • It comes in a variety of different color options.
  • It comes in different colors and shade varieties of any %

Please contact our customer support for purchase or call us directly:

+254 722 925 611